New College Durham Academies Trust

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Developing Senior Leader

This Pathway details how the Trust supports the professional development of staff as a developing senior leader. The professional development, which the Trust would support, is explained within each area.

Senior Leadership programmes/ secondment programmes

Relevant NPQ opportunity NPQ Information

Secondment to other schools within the Trust

Subject Review (Deep Dive) Leads

Trust QA opportunities

Relevant Future Leaders Programme  Future Leaders Programme

Opportunities to observe Trust Governance structure  

Access to relevant NGA (national governance association) NGA

Chartered Teacher Leadership Programme

Designated Safeguarding Lead Programme / Ofsted

DSL training DSL Training  

Ofsted training and contracting Ofsted Training 

University SENDCO support/training Sendco training requirements NPQ Senco Information NPQ Senco 

Opportunities to Lead Whole School Professional Development or external

Leading on aspects of the school SIP

Opportunities to lead NCDAT CPD

Leading the annual NCDAT conference

Leading on coaching