New College Durham Academies Trust

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The Trust is a charity and a limited company, and so trustees are both charity trustees and company directors. However, the terms ‘trustees’ and ‘directors’ are often used to describe the same role. 

Trustees are responsible for the strategic direction as well as general control and management of the Trust. Their main responsibilities are:

  • Set the strategic direction of the Trust
  • Hold school leaders to account
  • Oversee the Trust’s financial performance

Trustees are legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of all academies within the Trust.

Trustees/Academies Trust Board

Academy Trustees (ID 1037)

  • Karl Fairley
    Chair of the Academies Trust Board
  • Linda Rodham
    Co-opted Trustee and the Trust's Chief Executive Officer
  • Paul Bradley
    Vice-Chair of the Academies Trust Board
  • Mike Goodwin
  • Lisa Wilkinson
  • Jill Bowe
  • Joanne Soanes

 Register of Interests

register of interests trustees websitee.pdf